Monday, 24 September 2012

Jonathan sneaks out to see wife, uses two jets to divert attention - Please why is he sneaking **confused**

Daily Post has been hinted that a plane-conveying president Goodluck Jonathan to New York had left Abuja, ahead of other team  last night. Information gathered from the presidential source revealed that the early take-off of His Excellency was not unconnected to his intention to get to Germany to see his ailing wife before taking off to New York for the United Nations General Assembly.
“There has been a great measure of secrecy surrounding the president’s departure. I believe that Mr. President will stop over in Germany to see the First Lady before arriving in New York.” Said a source.
The First Lady is already spending her Fourth week on her hospital’s bed in Wiesbaden, Germany, even as her ailment remains a secret.
A German official had disclosed to Daily Post that a Nigerian Presidential Jet was cleared last night to fly to Germany. This confirmation clearly explains that Jonathan had left ahead of those expected to travel with him to New York.
The presidency had also issued a statement today that Jonathan and other members of his cabinet as well as governors will be traveling to New York for the UN General Assembly.

It was further revealed that a German doctor had ruled off the statement that Mrs. Jonathan may make it to New- York for the meeting. A source in Abuja had also divulged that “Once the president heard that the First Lady cannot make it to New York, he began to plan how to make a secret trip to Germany to see her,”
It was further revealed that Jonathan and his aides had arranged for two jets for his trip to New York just to divert people’s attention from the fact that he would be going to Germany. It was said that the first had taken off last night already, while the second is already on ground to take off to New-York straight.
A source had disclosed that it was not normal for two jets to go on a trip of that nature, stating that such only happens if the First Lady was around, and prefers to go with delegates.

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