“Every person has a right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria.” ‒ Nigerian Constitution: Chapter IV Section 33 Fundamental Rights
On October 5th, 2012, Chiadika Lordson,
Kelechi Obuzor, Lloyd Toku and Tekena Erikena, all students at the
University of Port-Harcourt, were falsely accused of theft and severely
beaten and burnt to death as scores of Nigerians stood and watched.

This scene Mob Justice
has gradually become a normal way of life in Nigeria. As
people/communities usurp the law and take matters into their own hands.
Now we know that there are no dependable statistics or numbers regarding
Mob Justice occurrences in Nigeria, but what we do know is that that
has been happening for years. And for years we have complained, we have
cried and we have watched, but nothing has changed as Mob Justice still
occurs with its perpetrators largely going unpunished.
This is largely due to the fact that
people have lost faith in a police force and judicial system that have
been derailed by corruption, incompetence, and inadequate resources. But
also exacerbating the matter is the absence and lack of recognition of
Mob Justice (and its many variations) as a crime in our Federal Laws,
most particularly our CRIMINAL CODE ACT, CAP C38 LFN 2004.
An act which in its robust 145 page listing of criminal acts makes no
mention or reference to Mob Justice…it covers Ritual Killings, Riots and
even Counterfeit Stamps, but not Mob Justice.
is in dire need of a new law. A law that punishes those that carry out
extra-judiciary acts of Mob Justice on their fellow Nigerians, but more
importantly a law that prosecutes those that stand and watch as these
acts occur. Because those that stand and watch are the ones feeding the
frenzy as they make it difficult for law enforcement agents to break up
the Mob and restore peace. Sign the petition here
Now we can continue to do what we have
done for years and complain and complain…but we know it will not solve
the problem as it is yet to work. So now is the time to try
something different to rally around the creation of a law that
explicitly prohibits Mob Justice in Nigeria. Fortunately, there is a
petition for an Aluu4 Mob Justice Prohibition Bill (read: Proposed Bill)
to address this issue. We are asking for your support in making this
Bill or a variation of the Bill an actual reality in our criminal code. By signing the petition,
you will be doing just this. Your petition will be emailed directly to
several Nigerian Senators and House Representatives including Senator Magnus Abe of Rivers State, Hon Abike dabiri-Erewa and others. Join the petition here
ultimate goal is to get at least 10,000 signatures/emails. To reach this
goal we would need your help, all you have to do is send this post to
your friends, post it on your facebook walls or share it on twitter. The
more spread we get, the more impact we can make.
Let’s try
and do Something today…Something different…Something meaningful. So that
the deaths of the aluu4 will be honored not by violence or empty
complaints, but rather by meaningful laws in their honor Support the petition here
NOTE: This proposal has
been forwarded to some Senators and Members of the House
Of Representatives and they are already looking at it. We just need to
make sure they feel our passion for a bill by getting as many signatures
as we can.

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