- Massage and exfoliate your skin regularly to increase blood circulation.
- Always keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.
- Eating healthy is essential in order to prevent formation of stretch marks.
- Avoid yo-yo dieting.
- If you have to lose weight lose it slowly.
- Apply products designed for stretch marks everyday into the abdomen during pregnancy.
- Drink plenty of water -water keeps your skin hydrated and healthy looking and less likely to develop stretch marks.
- Eat foods high in vitamins D, A, C.
- Eat zinc-rich food /nuts, fish/.
- Avoid sudden weight gain.
- It can take up to a year for a stretch mark to face .
- Keep your weight under control.
- If your mother or sister got stretch marks during pregnancy you are more likely to get them too.
- Stretch marks pose absolutely no health risk and don’t compromise the body’s ability to function healthy.
- Stretch marks usually become less visible as they heal in time, but they will never disappear completely.
- Dry skin is more prone to stretch marks due to loss of elasticity.
- Creams containing vitamin E and Cocoa Butter work best for preventing stretch marks
- Regular exercise is essential to prevent stretch marks as it keep skin taut.
- To camouflage stretch marks use a self-tanner or apply a little bit of a foundation.
- Use products with AHAs and Retin A because they slough off dead skin cells and help fade redness in a stretch mark.
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