reasons a woman may stay in such a relationship are complex and
difficult. They may have no support from friends or family to leave.
Their education level, may make them unemployable, if there is no
support for them to upgrade. If children are involved, having financial
support, however meager, may trump her will to leave for her own sake.
society, right down to the grassroots, values women and gives the help
needed to get out of bad relationships, it will always be difficult.but
is she supposed to continue suffering?
you have ever been in an abusive relationship, or even several, you may
feel there is something wrong with you, or that you must subconsciously
look for abusive partners. It is important to understand that domestic
abuse is never the victim’s fault. You may not have been taught to
recognize the potential for abusive behavior in your partners. Even
worse, you may have learned the exact opposite from watching your
parents in an abusive relationship throughout your childhood. You don’t
have to be abused. You can learn how to develop healthy relationships,
and learn the signs you need to know to help you stay out of abusive
Spend time developing a
relationship. A significant early sign of a potentially abusive
relationship is pressure for immediate intimacy, or what is called “a
quick whirlwind romance.” Don’t allow your partner to pressure you into
more intimacy than you feel ready for. Build your self-confidence and
autonomy by taking a class or joining a social group. A healthy partner
will be happy that you are expanding your horizons, rather than
frustrated or angry that you aren't spending all your time with him.
Stay alert for attempts to isolate
you, even if they are in the guise of concern. Many abusive partners
will try to convince you that your friends and family members don’t care
about you, or are a bad influence on you, to break down your supportive
relationships. Treat any attempts to convince you that you don’t need
to work, take classes or maintain contact with your friends and family
members as red flags for a potentially abusive relationship.
Know the early signs of an emotionally abusive relationship. Emotional abuse can turn into domestic violence, but even if it doesn't, it is equally damaging to your health and well being, Pay special attention if your partner makes hurtful comments that embarrass you in front of your friends, insists on knowing where you are all the time, acts excessively jealous or attempts to control your finances and spending. These are all early signs of overly controlling behavior that will only get worse.
how you feel when you are with your partner. Be concerned if you feel
afraid of his moods, pressured into uncomfortable situations, feel the
need to change your behavior to avoid making him angry, or avoid certain
subjects, because he seems oversensitive and belittles your opinions.
These feelings can be early symptoms of an abusive relationship, and you should take them seriously.
Culled from shawttynatt
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